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New Hampshire Court Diversion Programs

Court Diversion

Diversion programs are confidential, voluntary alternatives to regular court proceedings. Participants must take responsibility for their actions and work with a Case Manager and volunteers trained in Restorative Justice principles and practices. A restorative panel, with input from the harmed party if they choose to be involved, works with a participant to create a contract outlining how to repair the harm done and address any underlying needs. If they successfully complete the program, charges are dismissed. If they do not successfully complete the program, the case is returned for prosecution.

Juvenile Court Diversion is for individuals who are under 18 years of age. Parental permission is necessary for participation. Adult Diversion is for participants over 18 years of age.  If adults would like their parents or others to be involved, they must sign a release of information.

Lower Grafton County

The Lower Grafton County Court Diversion program serves Lebanon, Hanover, Canaan, Enfield, Lyme, and Orford.  Police Departments and Prosecutors make the referrals.

Sullivan County

The Sullivan County Court Diversion program serves all towns in Sullivan County. Judges, Police Departments, and Prosecutors make the referrals.

Victim Liaison

Our Victim Liaison is available to help identified harmed parties understand our programs and Restorative Justice processes, and participate if they wish to.